Mamou council adopts budget at recent meeting


Two outgoing council members from Mamou gave their goodbyes during last week’s meeting.
“These four years went in a flash,” expressed Councilwoman Jessica Fontenot.
She told the council, “Thank y’all for your love and encouragement, and I’m just going to pray for blessing upon y’all, your families, and the town. Even though I will be moving away, probably in February, Mamou is my home. One day, when my husband is no longer pastor and retires, we’ll probably come back. Thank y’all very much.”
Councilwoman Fontenot added, “I wish special blessings on the new guys coming in, and on their families.”
The meeting was also the swan song for Councilman Freddie Matthew. “I certainly would like to thank the citizens of Mamou for eight years, and I believe my time was up,” he expressed. “I was not fighting too hard because I believe that you have to pass the torch to somebody else, and it’s good for a younger man.”
The councilman went on to express that he will be replaced by his cousin Derrell “Sheaky” Thomas. To Thomas, who was in attendance, Councilman Matthew said, “It’s no beef between us, and I love you as a brother. I know you’re going to do well. If you need my advice, you can call me. And, I’m a man of my word. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.”
“Good luck to you,” he added. “I wish you eight years not four. It’s all good. You have my blessings.”
Mayor Ricky Fontenot said, “Without a doubt, we know ‘Sheaky’ is going to do a good job in replacing Freddie, and we want to welcome him aboard too. We’re still blessed to have a good team to move this town forward.”
During the meeting, the council voted to amend the 2018 budget and to adopt the 2019 budget after hearing from certified public accountant Mike Johnson.
According to Johnson, the town’s amended budget reflected total revenues of $1,340,000 and total expenditures of $2,604,500.00. The town transferred in $830,000.00 from sales tax and utility funds into the general fund which left a net change in the amended budget of $434,500.00 and an estimated ending general fund balance of $215,698.00.
“That is inflated,” said Johnson. We always make sure our expenses are higher to make sure you’re within budget. I think it will be a decent amount less than that.”
The amended budget also shows total sales tax revenues in the amount of $663,700.00 and total expenditures in the amount of $295,000.00. Johnson said $438,000.00 was transferred out leaving an estimated fund balance of $505,276.00.
In the utility fund, the amended budget shows total revenues of $1,830,000.00 and total expenses of $1,492,000.00 Johnson added $400,000.00 was transferred out leaving an estimated fund balance of $3,450,229.00.
The 2019 budget adopted by the town council calls for total revenues of $1,342,840.00 and total expenditures of $2,335,500.00. It also projects $1,000,000.00 being transferred out from the sales tax and utility funds into the general fund. The transfers in would result in a net change of $7,340.00 and an estimated ending general fund balance of $223,038.00.
Johnson stated the 2019 budget consists of sales tax total revenues of $663,700.00 and total expenditures of $188,000.00 leaving an estimated fund balance of $280,976.00 after $700,000.00 is transferred out.
As far as the utility fund in the 2019 budget, total revenues are $1,830,000.00 and total expenses are $1,356,000.00 leaving an estimated fund balance of $3,625,229.00 after $300,000.00 is transferred out.
In other business, the council:
• heard from Mamou Elementary French Immersion Students who presented the Pledge of Allegiance and Christmas carols in French.
• heard from Lewis McGee from McGee Equipment Company about government contracts.
• accepted a bid from Elliott Construction in the amount of $423,725.00 for the Louisiana Community Development Block Grant (LCDBG) street improvement project.
• voted to approve personnel action recommendations for the police department from Chief Brent Zackery.
• reappointed Mike Fontenot to the Mamou Fire Protection District Number 1 Board.
• and adopted a resolution in connection with the Municipal Water Pollution Environmental Audit Report for the town’s wastewater treatment system.